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The World can offer you a Path towards Success.

Updated on July 14, 2014

Tarot World

Tarot World

The Major Arcana cards are an excellent tool in providing us vital information on how we view life. It can reveal our perception of the world around us. I use it to aid me in rewiring my brain, and so can you. The Tarot World is exceptional in providing us information regarding where we have been, and where we are going. This to me has been a life saver. It has prevented me from repeating old behaviors, when I had stepped into a new cycle of living. It also is an invitation to take your success and stretch it even further, in all areas of your life. In this Hub I am only covering one area, which is love. The tools given in this hub can though be used in any area of your life. Keep in mind that your experiences with these tools are infinite.

What is the meaning of the Tarot Card, The World? It means a successful completion of a goal we have been working towards. This completion often is celebrated, because it has taken us awhile to learn it. We have successfully traveled through the twenty-one Tarot Major Arcana cards to reach the World, card number twenty-two. We made it, yet what is often neglected, when a person arrives at this card, is that we only completed one aspect of this lesson. More often than not, we will soon be on the journey of learning another aspect regarding the concept we just learned.

Love Is

The Lesson of the Tarot World

I have chosen to use the word love, to explain this principle. All of us are here to learn the meaning of it. We will encounter many venues in our experiences to what love means. First there is the journey of loving our parents, siblings and family, and then to loving our friends. We will discover romantic love on this journey, and eventually it will bring us into the concept of unconditional love. Our roads to love will also include all the elements of emotions. This covers both the positive and negative ones.

A note regarding unconditional love. It actually is something we first came across at birth, but shortly afterwards it is taken over by the conditions our personal society gives us. This includes family and social avenues linked to your family. We first became conditioned by a host of should situations handed down by our parents. We did learn quickly that love is attached to our behavior. This sparks our own laws of how someone should love us. This in itself is a major downfall, for many people.

Love and Pain

There is a physical feeling that is attached to loving, and it is pain. We might have discovered that we have tears, when we are in love. These tears are often linked to a pain in our heart. This pain is often felt as a tightening or closing of our heart. We ache to love fully, yet we stifle it by our fears of loss. The opening to love, often is felt in a dual role- ecstasy, with the fight or flight mode. This is felt as a natural high, when we have found the ‘perfect’ person, yet at the same time the process of fear kicks in your mind. Romantic love is often perceived by many as not being fulfilled. A person from our past subjected us to unreachable demands. We are also guilty of this very thing with others. This stems from our past experience with romantic love, which most of us will encounter more than once. Our reality becomes warped in how we perceive love. It is shrouded in the concept that love hurts. Even with this belief in tact, we crave to share our deepest self with another. We still want, on some level, that gem found in fairy tales.

How does the Major Arcana Cards unveil your shadow side of Love?

The previous twenty-one Major Arcana cards in the Tarot deck can help us grow through our own views of loving on all levels. How does this happen? With each card’s meaning, we will add it to our concept of our I Am. What is this, I Am? It is whatever you attached to it. I am unlovable. I am ugly. I am always hurt by people. Here are a couple examples of this. The Lovers card will teach you about choice. Is your love lust or deeper? The profound aspect of love, spiritual attunement, for the good of the ‘Us’, and the expression of our love to benefit those who are in our life; family and friends. Profane love is the choice to only think of the ‘me’. Simply put, the Lovers offers a choice of I am part of the ‘we’, or I am only for ‘me’.

The Devil brings our I Am into sync of viewing our physical life with our thoughts. It is our thoughts that attach us to the chains that are displayed in the Tarot card The Devil. These might include; I am always used. I am not capable of loving anyone. I am going to be hurt. The Devil card shows us what imprisons us, but we do always have the option to escape. How is this done? When we travel through the twenty-one Major Arcana of Tarot, we take the time to rewire our brains, by using new thoughts that can change our reality.

Enters the World

The arrival at the World brings us to a completion of learning some aspect of love. As I stated earlier, often in loving someone, we are met with the feeling of our heart closing. It is as if we are squirreling away all the positive expressions of love. In essence, we are saving it, for another time, or a rainy day. We tend to believe there will never be enough of love to fill us. This very thought is held tightly to our heart, and the heart chakra, which will cause you to feel a sensation of’ tightness. We might convince ourselves we actually are being loving, yet we hold tightly to the door, so we can run. This is done, just in case we need to close it. Our minds are so afraid of losing love, we cannot permit ourselves to release it completely. We often experience two forms of tears; one is the tears of joy and the second is the tears of pain. These though will most likely occur simultaneously. We have not learned yet the concept of love flowing freely without the other half. There might come a day, when we will notice that we have tears of joy. The tears of pain are not sharing the same space with joy. Our heart floods open and the tightness of our heart is gone. We have finally learned the meaning of love through the twenty-one cards and expressed it when we arrived at the World. There is a completion, and now we will take this new knowing and apply to the same area, but through another aspect.

World is Revealing Your Treasure Map

Each day we can access the treasure map to view where we are currently at. This is done by using the Tarot World card, along with two other tarot cards. I prefer to take these two cards from the whole deck. The minor arcana are also very useful in reading this Treasure Road Map. Here is a spread to show you how to do this.

Put the World in the center, and one card on the left, and the other on the right.

The picture above depicts the 10 of swords on the left, World in the middle and the 5 cups is on the right. This to me indicates pain, despair, no positive thoughts are able to be found, while the 5 of cups is indicating seeking the value of those two cups still standing. The Treasure World Map is telling me that pain and agony in the arena of love was the road I just got off. I am now entering the road named, 5 of cups. It is first informing me that my thoughts from the previous trip will carry with me on this road. Secondly, to finish this road, I would need to seek two areas that depict what successful loving means. In actually this was a true account of my life, nine years ago.. My love for my husband held a deep spiritual connection. After his death, and with other events shortly following, positive thoughts vanished. I succeeded in having a very successful marriage for twenty-nine years, but the loss tainted my perception. I have healed from this, by using this method and the following suggestions. I hope you will give it a try.

The Journey to Reprograming your mind

This is a journey that isn’t supposed to end. We are here living so we can express ourselves in our fullest. It is a journey that you are on daily. It is a means in helping you to find another way to live life. We all encounter problems. Have you found a method or methods to improve how you respond to them? Obstacles will never completely go away. We need them to help us grow as a spirit and a human being. Life though isn’t only about our problems and obstacles, but how we view life. What is our perspective? Is your I Am negative or positive? Can it be improved? Are our beliefs helping or hindering us. What thoughts is your subconscious computer programing your conscious mind? Discover the answers to this, by beginning to use your Treasure Map as a guiding and helping hand, versus an obstacle.

This is achievable, and anyone can do it. You first have to start asking yourself plenty of questions in those areas of beliefs, which you hold as truth. Are they working for you, or hindering you? I do suggest you keep a journal. I do recommend the above spread to be used once a month, and on the New Year. Your journal will keep all your vital information, so you can keep track of your progress.

Please feel free to contact me on your findings. This is a great way to explore yourself, and to overcome those thoughts that bind you.

Video on Honeymoon effect

Dr. Bruce Lipton's video, as well as his book, is highly recommended by me. It really helps a person to reprogram their brains, in the areas of love.

Video on the Honeymoon Effect

Taking the Path

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